Rosa's World

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Looking Back on 2011...

Hi There!

Yesterday, Gilbert and I left the house early to do a few errands...

We needed:
photocopies done,
pick up a few last supplies for the Cat Tree that Gilbert's making,
a wooden ruler and some rick-rack for Valentines chair covers that I want to make,
go see our Internet and Cell phone provider for a possible update on Gilbert's cell phone,
pick up a 2012 kitchen calendar,
and a whole bunch of other things...

Around noon time, we decided to go eat at Montana's.

Gilbert had the Veggie Burger (top part of the picture) and I had the chicken 'n ribs. Of course I brought a "doggie bag" back home!

It was DELISH!!!

Gilbert's cell phone provider was able to upgrade his phone to the new iPhone 4.... and a white one, at that!!!

While leaving the mall, I spotted a pay phone and we decided to take a couple pictures, with it!


What a difference in phone size, eh?!??!


And, this morning, Gilbert got to "trying" to finish the Cat Tree House. "Frankie" has already taken up residence!

Gilbert has difficulty finishing it, as Frankie wants/needs some affection!


Actually, she's been near me when I'm trying to quilt and she can be VERY INSISTENT!!!

Yes, she's cute!

Let me explain a couple things....

HE was a stray that we had adopted and named Frankie Blue Eyes, for Frank Sinatra.

This past week, I found out that HE was actually a SHE!

Oh well, I guess she's now actually Frankie, short for "Francine".


Once again, I'm slowly removing the list of quilts or projects that I accomplished in 2011 from my blog and entering them on my main web page.

See the left hand side? Scroll to the bottom and you'll get to 2011. Keep in mind that I'm adding more quilts, ASAP.

It's now 9h30, Sunday morning and I've got a TON of things to do today!

Have a great Sunday!


1 comment:

Cyn said...

Love the pic of "the two phones". lol. How clever of the two of you. Sounds like you had a fun day.
Love your kitty -- but he/she does look rather high maintenance. lol