Hi There!
Have you been wondering where I've been and what I've been doing and WHY I haven't been blogging more often????
Well, so have I!
After chatting with Gilbert and reviewing what's been going on, during this past month - only then, did we realize that we've been "busy", or should I write... "busier than usual"?
In a nutshell:
12th - Gilbert and I went to 4 different stores, looking for a dishwasher! We finally picked the PERFECT washer at Leon's.
19th - We picked up our new puppy, Zelda, Riverview, NB. Stressful trip back home - 1.5 hour drive. Zelda was sick in the car. :-(
20th - We took Zelda to our Vet for her needles. Another stressful trip for Zelda. She HATES the car!!!
House training became priority #1. Zelda was brought up in the country, in a kennel. She had never been in a house nor a car before! (Note: She's STILL terrified of car rides.) House training meant I had to SIT beside her and watch her like an eagle! No time for quilting, needless to say! Finally, by journalling WHEN she did her #1's and #2's, we're able to figure out how often she needs to go out. And learning her "signals", too!
23rd - Our new dishwasher is finally delivered! Gilbert will have to build a frame, beside our stove.
26th(approx.) - Gilbert builds the frame and I finally get to load it up with dishes. Gilbert put a dry newspaper underneath and it's leaking, unfortunately.
28th - We went to Home Hardware for some clamps and such. Get back home and Gilbert installs the new items on the dishwasher. I was asked to load her up again and do a wash. It's still leaking, unfortunately.
At this point, I can't tell you HOW many trips we made to different plumbing stores, trying to find the correct hose or tube or clamp or whatever, to stop the darn machine from leaking! I mean, COME ON PEOPLE, it's a new dishwasher, right?!??
2nd - Our side door is scheduled to be installed but they can't make it. Re-scheduled for the 13th of this month. I had taken the day off to be here, with Zelda. Darn! I guess I'll just have to hang out at home, eh? LOL
3rd - Gilbert and I went to a National German Shepherd Dog Competition, held in our city! We were thrilled to attend. No, Zelda did not come with us. She's terrified of cars, remember? *s*
..... THIS is the day that Gilbert got fed up with the leaking dishwasher and pulled it out onto the center of our kitchen and turned it onto its side and realized that it was leaking from the motor area and NOT from the drain hose!!! Were we EVER upset!!! I then called up Leon's who quickly told me to call Whirlpool about my 2 week old dishwasher. I felt like they were "washing" their hands of all of this - no pun intended, BTW!
FINALLY.... after calling Whirlpool, we were told that a technician would come to our home on TUESDAY only, since Monday was a holiday! (today is Friday afternoon). Darn and Drat and a whole bunch of OTHER words!!! A defective NEW dishwasher and I was stuck STILL doing dishes, by hand, during the long weekend! And it was hot and humid, too! I was NOT a happy camper - trust me!
7th - Our "door" company called. 2 workers are on their way to install our door! We were only expecting them on the 13th, but HEY - we didn't complain.
.... Dishwasher repair man arrives to assess our (new) leaky dishwasher. He agrees with Gilbert. There's a defective part in our machine.
9th - At 8 months old, Zelda started her first "heat"..... unfortunately.
.... Dishwasher tech arrived with replacement part. (sssssssshhhhh..... don't yell it too loud, but it appears as if the problem is solved.)
11th - Our neighbours garage roof caught on fire. We had 3 firetrucks parked on our street. Talk about beating hearts!!! Zelda and MY heart, that is! No, we did not have any smoke damage and our siding didn't melt - THANK GOD!
13th - "WAS" supposed to be the day that Zelda got spayed. We had to cancel due to her "heat".
15th - Nothing new.... seems as if - keep your fingers crossed - as if everything's back to "normal".
So, yes, we've been busier than a one-armed wallpaperer - that's how the saying goes, right?
But, on a positive note, I've started playing again, in my Quilting Studio, this week and the weather's cooled down and its less humid.... Thanks God!
Soooooo, that's about it, folks!
I don't normally like stressful and hectic days. I think Gilbert and I have had my month-ful, so far. Now, I need to have a bit of peaceful quilty time!
Hope you're having a super week!