Hi There!
Nancy-Rose "tagged me" and on a Saturday evening.... why.... what else do I have to do 'cept watch TV, eh? Hey! I can multi-task as best as the next gal! All's I just need to do is answer the questions and find other people to "tag"!!! LOL
And for those of you that don't understand or don't know the rules, here they are:
- Every tagged person has to tell 11 things about themselves
- the person who tagged you asked 11 questions over at their blog. Answer these questions in your post
- ask 11 questions of the people you tag (any quilting blogger with under 200 followers)
- mention the person who tagged you (but for goodness sake, don't tag them back!
Here's my 11 things:
1 - I'm Bilingual (French and English).
2 - My passion is quilting. Period.
3 - I HATE slugs! Harmless snakes, spiders and mice do NOT scare me. Slugs? I take off running!
4 - I LOVE bagpipes! Can't play 'em but LOVE to listen to 'em!!!
5 - I LOVE my family and friends and will do almost anything for them!!!
6 - If I don't care for you, I will not even bother talking or discussing or chatting with you. I prefer to ignore someone and/or refuse to do battle. Thank goodness I know very few of these people! :-)
7 - I find commercials fascinating! How they - the advertisers and marketing specialists - try to influence us with their publicity.... Simply fascinating! In fact, if I could turn back the clock, I would or should have gone into advertising. Regrets? Not really... just stating a fact.
8 - I'm a procrastinator. Oh ... hmmm.. I'll explain that later... LOL!!!
9 - I HATE scary and violent movies! They make me jump and then.... later on, I can't sleep.
10 - Hubby says to tell you all that I LOVE mashed potatoes. I do but not enough to add this on my list. Actually, I'm like Nancy-Rose. I could eat cereal for my 3 meals and I'd be a happy camper! *VBG*
11 - I like to study people... try to figure 'em out. And when I think about a certain person, I can see them in "color".... like seeing their aura.... sorta. Difficult to explain.
And there you have it.... MY eleven things that I volunteered to tell you.
1. Remember the first quilt you made? What was it like?
It was crappy! LMAO!!! Recycled jeans. I had NO IDEA what a cutting board and cutter was. I had used the back of a cereal box! Youngest son and I tied it... after all, it was HIS quilt! *grin*
2. Do you belong to a guild? Why or why not?
I belong to our local quilt guild and enjoy the once a month outing and friendship.
3. What's your favourite quilt store? Post a link!
Mardens, in Calais. Actually, its not an official fabric store... they sell lots of other stuff, too.
4. Everyone has a list of "one day I'd like to make" quilts; what on the top of your list?
A landscape quilt.
5. What is the number one tip that you wish you had known when you first started quilting?
A quarter inch seam truly IS important.
6. Of all the 'famous' quilters, quilt authors, fabric designers, quilt bloggers, who would you say is your ultimate favourite?
Bonnie Hunter!!!
Finish these sentences- -
7. The oldest UFO I have is either a bunch of Siggie Blocks (signature blocks) or butterfly appliqué blocks that I never finished.
8. I get inspired by looking at my stash and re-visiting with bags or totes with my "to do someday soon" projects.
9. I get my best quilting done when its early morning. My freshly awoken brain has more "zing" to it! My best ideas come from when I just wake up! Yup! I know... I"m weird like that! LOL
10. My stash is mostly bits and pieces.
11. The first blog I check nearly every day is Bonnie Hunter's. Actually, my blog roll is chronological and I try and read the most recent and go down the list.
I'm "tagging" 6 of my friends!
Froma at:
Cyn at:
Elaine at:
Elly at:
Rosemary at:
Marianna at:
And here are their 11 questions:
1 - Why did you start quilting?
2 - What quilt were you the most proud of? Why?
3 - Which (finished) quilt made you cringe? Why?
4 - What food could you eat 24/7?
5 - What's #1 on your Bucket List?
6 - If you could spend 1 hour alone with your favorite quilter, author, designer... whatever.... who would you pick?
7 - Is quilting your #1 (crafty) passon? If not, what is?
8 - If you could turn back the clock, what would you re-do?
9 - What's your most embarassing moment?
10 - When was your happiest moment?
11 - What question didn't I ask and you thought I would? (Answer it, please - I ran out of ideas... LOL)
Sooooo, my job's done. I will visit my friend's blogs and tell them that they got "Tagged" and see who replies to this. *s*
Have a Wonderful Weekend!