Hi There!
Do any of you remember the TV sitcom "
Home Improvement", with Tim the Tool Man Taylor?
Remember how he'd start a weekend home renovation project that would keep growing until it became this MAJOR 3 month project?!??
Well, I've been seriously trying to keep my Sewing Studio tidy. Whenever I finish a project, I pick up and put away remaining big chunks of fabric and those that are considered "scrap", I cut 'em up right away into "strips".
I WAS cutting them into 2-1/2" strips till I realized that the patterns in the 2 books that I have of my (new) idol, Bonnie K. Hunter..... well, she mostly uses 2" blocks.
What was I to do?
Buy more bins?
How was I going to keep the
2-1/2" inch scraps separated
from the 2" scraps?!??
Keep them separated in a zip lock?
Did I really NEED the 2-1/2" strips?
The bindings on my last 6 or 7 quilts all were 2" and I like the results better.
Why was I holding onto the 2-1/2" strips?!??
In case I made a quilt with jelly roll strips?
I hardly think that will ever happen...
(fatal last words - I know.)
Decisions... decisions.
Finally, I said to myself,
"Rosa... Sh!t or get off the pot! Make a decision, now!"
(Sewing Studio all tidied up)
Sooooo, I will be slowing getting rid of the 2-1/2" strips and converting them all to 2".
That being said, I, of course.... had to go over Bonnie's patterns and found one that said to me.... "Hmmmmmm....... I should prep these strips and do some scrappy 9 patch blocks and put 'em aside and only do a bit at a time, whenever I get a chance."
Here's where the Tim the Tool Man Taylor mentality kicked in....
I cut up all my scraps from my last 2 projects and threw away the itsy bitsy pieces. And, I started sewing these strips together to start my 9 patch blocks.
Then, since I didn't have enough variety, I picked into some of my 2-1/2" bins to cut 'em down to 2" size and sew 'em up.
Was that good enough?
Well, of COURSE NOT!!!
I remembered some old (cotton) shirts that I had saved in my big blue totes, yanked 'em out and started cutting THOSE as well, into 2" strips!!!
The Studio looked like someone had vomited fabric, all over instead of being nice and tidy, like I had FIRST planned on doing!!!
And remember?
It all started out that I wanted to trim and put away my previous 2 quilts' leftover fabrics before I got back into my Batik Blocks...
I've been working on these 9 Patch Scrappy blocks for the past 2 days, now!
This plastic container was put away at 7 p.m. and I will NOT pull it out until I have 2 more flimsy finished!
Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday!
I'm on vacation
(AKA my Stay-Cah-Shun)
and LOVING IT!!!