Hi there!
I've slowly been designing or drawing blocks and tris, taking pictures and saving them, on my computer. I now have quite a few done up. You'll notice that some of them, I've added "dotted" lines - that's where I've added extra seams, to help with paper piecing. Here's the list, so far:
A-11 = Pebble's Protest
B-6 = Wild Goose Chase
B-10 = Jud's Trophy
C-7 = Megan's Mountain Laurel
G-12 = Gloriae
L-10 = Nan's Naiad
TR-B-3 = Attic Window
TR-B-8 = Thunderhead
TR-R-2 - Cherokee Lee
Sadie Rose
While I'm certainly NOT the expert on these blocks and tris, I thought I'd share with you how I "attacked" them. *s* And as I'm a visual person... I have difficulty wrapping my brain around written instructions. LOL
Now, here's the deal. If you want me to email you a copy of a block or a tri, PLEASE send me an email and I would be happy to share. If there's a block or tri that you're having problems with, PLEASE send me an email and I'll try to do it up for you, and others.
My email addy is:
As I have more tris and blocks to add on, I'll be editing this blog.
TAST Week 3
3 days ago