Saturday, March 31, 2012
Hannah and Harrington - 2 BOMs Done
Monday, March 26, 2012
Twisting Batiks!
Did yet ANOTHER block for that Batik Quilt and this time, I used my Lil' Twister ruler.
Gilbert took 4 pictures, of each step and made a photo montage.

S'now almost 9 p.m. and tomorrow's another day, eh?
Sunday, March 25, 2012
e-Newsletter - December 2011
Remember I mentioned that I was sending out e-Newsletters to my quilty friends, in my area?
Well, here's what I sent out
this past December.....
Hi There!
Thought I’d share a few links for a couple quick Christmas gifts…. In case you’re in a bind.
10 minute table runner:
And a blog on how this other person does it.
Mug Rugs or Criss-Cross Coasters:
Note: I have several of these around the house. They absorb the sweaty drink drips and you can also use these for wine glasses. The base of the wine glass slips into the “criss-crossed” fabric.
Oh, and of course they’re washable!
From the advice of a good quilty friend, Gilbert and I ordered (and have since received) a very light weight and not very expensive iron. Plus, it stays “ON” CONTINUOUSLY!
It cost, approx.., $14.00 and we had it delivered to C & E Feed Store, in Calais.
It’s a Continental Electric CE23111 Steam Iron
And, once again its REALLY lightweight and it continuously stays HOT! It doesn’t turn off by itself.
Of course, I have to share a video with you. How to make a “Half Square Triangle” the easy way…
Have any of you discovered “Pinterest” yet?
Here’s my Pinterest Boards:
It’s free. You need an invitation. You create your own bulletin boards and name them whatever YOU want and then, you add pictures from other Pinterest people or from around the net. I’ve learned a lot of neat tricks and tips for around the house, and have drooled over other peoples’ “pins”. Give it a look-see. If you want an invitation, give me a holler. I’d be glad to give you one! *grin*
And last, but not least…. Just to show you that I enjoy other crafts, here’s the cutest looking scarf. This person’s tutorial makes it look SOOOO easy to knit this scarf. Gonna try and make it, one of these days!
Entrelac Scarf Tutorial:
As for quilting, I've finally finished my 290 9-patch scrappy blocks and cut out 115(?) plain blocks as well as some triangles, for the ends of the rows. This project has been put aside till I finish my batik quilt top - remember that? LOL
Yes, I managed to make 2 more blocks for that quilt. I will be putting the pedal to the metal with this project. PLUS, I have 2 of my own quilts to bind!
And, tomorrow's Monday... back to work...
Hope you all have a Wonderful Week!