Hi there!
Yesterday, Gilbert and I headed out to do our
Saturday Morning Errands.
We left here around 9h30 a.m. and arrived back home at 3h30 p.m.
And to make matters worst, I had a tummy ache -
no doubt the same virus that my family got,
over the holidays.
Anyhow, on the list of things "To Do",
was to pick up a pair of boots, for me.
As I don't like shopping for clothes,
I figured that it would be best to buy an
expensive pair, and it would last me forever, right?
So, we headed out to "
Green Lee Shoes Ltd.", a shoe boutique.
In 1982 (circa), I had picked up a pair of Cougar's hiking/winter boots,
Green Lee's.
Now, mind you, these boots weren't worn during the summer,
and I only wore them when the snow was deep,
but I still have those boots, would you believe?!?
I remember at the time, that they were fairly pricey,
but I certainly got my money out of them, right?
Anyhow, Gilbert was sitting there, as patient as a man can be,
while his wife is trying on boots...
he whips out his cell phone and took a couple pics, of me.
Then, once I noticed what he was doing, he says,
"I suppose you'll upload these pics to your blog, eh?"
"Of COURSE!!!", I replied.
Here's a pic of me, trying on the darker pair.
Didn't get these ones, as they only had THAT size,
and they were a bit "floppy".

So, I got these ones. They were 109 bucks,
but I hope they last for quite a few winters.
And.... they're a bit tight, but the salesgirl assured me
that they would stretch.
I was to wear them around the house, first.
Should I change my mind, BEFORE I wore them outside,
I could return them....
or bring them in, to get "stretched".

Anyhow, around 4h30 pm, yesterday.... I started getting the chills,
along with my tummy ache.
Went to bed for a couple hours and slept.
I felt a bit better, afterwards, when I got up.
Laced up my boots and wore them around the house,
till about 8h30 pm.
Not too bad.... *grin*
Also, I wanted to share with you my web page
on all the "quilty" stuff that I've finished, for 2008.
Rosa's (finished) Quilt PageJust go to the LEFT side, of my web page, and you can scroll down to 2008.
Mind you, if you have the time,
you're more than welcome to view my other creations, too!
It's now Sunday morning, and after I've uploaded this blog,
I'm heading downstairs for some major sewing....
Need to make some more "hearts",
for the "Heart 2 Heart" swap.
We're down to 40 signees....
instead of the original 46.
Have a great sewing day!
*with her winter boots on, for the day*