Hi There!
Last week I was asked if I would make a Christmas quilt and a baby quilt. The baby's sex will only be known in August and born in Jan/Feb and the Christmas quilt.... well, that's for Christmas.
As for the baby quilt, I will be offering her a few choices, in baby quilts. My "Snow Ball" quilt that Bertha and Gilbert will be quilting soon...

Today, Elly, in Scotland, sent me a link about a Bow Tie Block challenge and I quickly jumped in. One Bow Tie block per day.
I had 30's fabrics and decided to make this baby quilt in blues.

As for the Christmas quilt, I've been thinking and thinking what pattern I could do. I finally decided to make another log cabin quilt. I had made this one, for my sister Tina a few years ago, as a lap quilt and I just LOVED it!!!!
This one will be for a double size bed.
(picture taken from quilting magazine)

So, early yesterday afternoon, I started going through my stash, pulling out all my reds with gold and greens with gold.

And then, I started to cut "logs" or "strips".
42 X 5-1/2" red logs,
42 - 9-1/2" red logs and
42 X 13-1/2" red logs.
Logs waiting to be cut....

Here's my bundle of red logs, cut up and numbered.

And then, the green logs....
42 X 7-1/2" green logs,
etc, etc, etc.
All the red logs are now cut and I've got about 1/2 of the green ones cut....
And then, there's all the white logs - haven't touched those ones, yet!
Anyhow, that's a LOT of logs!
But, I just love log cabin quilts and I KNOW that this time, with Gilbert and Bertha quilting this one, it will be DROP DEAD BEAUTIFUL!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!