Rosa's World

Thursday, January 1, 2009

UFO - Gettin' 'er done!

Hi there!

Okay, I've been busy working on this UFO (Un-Finished Object)....

Okay, here is a link, with respect to this quilt pattern,
that I found on the net...

Chat forum

Anyhow, the original pattern was taken from HGTV (on the net)
and they called it "Strolling the Block".

Unfortunately, they've either removed that link or moved it
and the best that I could find, was this:

Strolling the Block

And YES, Elly, I did do the month of August....

Here's the picture proof, and although the block
looks crooked, it isn't.... Quilt is hanging up "crooked"
on my design wall.


At this point, I have top and bottom's frames sewn on....

Side frames are sewn up - they just need to be sewn onto the center piece.

If you "click" on my pictures, you'll see it, in a bigger format.

Can't WAIT to finish this quilt,
as I have several "issues" with it....

"Finished is Better than Done"
as goes the Dear Jane motto.



Yvette said...

I have always loved this quilt. I have all the patterns collected and one day I will start it.

Great job!!!

Susan said...

Rosa, what a wonderful quilt. I can just see the smile on your face when you look at it..........

Before long it will be complete and you will be walking tall.

spinquilt said...

Lovely quilt