Hi There!
Have you heard about the latest craze, for little girls?
"Pillowcase Dresses"!!!
Got my pattern from:
But, to be honest, there are TONS of web sites with tutorials on these cute pillowcase dresses!
I just made 3 dresses in 2 days - coulda done them faster, but I made them from scratch AND I had other things going on, too.
Here's the polka dot one...

And this evening, Princess Sophia came over with her Mommy (my sister) and modeled her new dresses. *grin*
Have you heard about the latest craze, for little girls?
"Pillowcase Dresses"!!!
Got my pattern from:
But, to be honest, there are TONS of web sites with tutorials on these cute pillowcase dresses!
I just made 3 dresses in 2 days - coulda done them faster, but I made them from scratch AND I had other things going on, too.
Here's the polka dot one...
And this evening, Princess Sophia came over with her Mommy (my sister) and modeled her new dresses. *grin*
And here's her "Cats 'n Dogs" dress. This one, I added some dangly beads to it.

The Princess LOVES dangly beads! *grin*