Saturday, May 28, 2011
Attitude is Everything
Hi There!
No pictures for today. Thought I'd share an email that I got, a while back.
There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror,
and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
So she did and she had a wonderful day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror
and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.
'H-M-M,' she said, 'I think I'll part my hair down the middle today.'
So she did and she had a grand day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed
that she had only one hair on her head.
So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and
noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.
'YAY!' she exclaimed. 'I don't have to fix my hair today!'
Attitude is Everything.
Soooooo, I ask you today, "Is your glass 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?"
I've always tried to imagine that my glass is 1/2 full!
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Mom's Special Day
This past Sunday, my sisters and I.... as well as our cousin, decided to take our Mother out, to celebrate her belated birthday AND Mother's Day.
She LOVES gardening! So, we decided to meet at Scott's Nursery. I believe one of the workers told me that they had 16 acres of greenhouse. That's a LOT of plants!
We all gave Mom some spending money and she was in the "ZONE", amongst her plants!
But seriously, I can understand the feeling! I get that way in a big fabric store!
Afterwards, we went to "McGinnis Landing" and had an excellent meal. Our waiter, Jamie Cameron offered to take our picture.
Well, I can't remember having such a funny and entertaining waiter!!!
Just before he took our group picture, he took a couple of himself.... with his back to us.
Trust me - he's the bestest!
*still giggling over here*
Well, let's change the subject here a bit....
I had the day off yesterday - "Victoria Day" .... which is the Queen's Birthday. I decided to take today off, as a vacation day.
This afternoon, I tried two new muffin recipes, from my favorite cookbook "Company's Coming".
"Apple Streusel Muffins", on the left.
"Banana Chip Muffins", on the right.

And since I bought a bag of my favorite fruit,
I thought I'd take a picture.
Life IS a bowl of cherries!!!
Hope you all have a GREAT week!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Project Update - 22 May '11
Do you sometimes feel like that poor hamster? Running around, all the time, in it's wheel and not going anywhere?
Well, that's how I've felt in the past month or so. Yes, I work on projects but they're either long-term projects or, for whatever reason.... I can't actually "finish" them and put them to rest.
Anyhow, here's at least ONE project that I got to finish and mail off to special friends.
These are wooden Dear Jane blocks that I painted and varnished. Gilbert added a magnet on the back.
NOTE: my painted melons are the same as my fabric melons.... NOT PERFECT!!! LOL
This mini quilt was finished a while back but Gilbert and Bertha were both busy with other clients' quilts and couldn't take the time to actually quilt it. Yesterday, with my most winning smile, he and Bertha quilted it.
It's cross hatched with ivory thread.
The blocks are 1-1/2 inches each. Total quilt size with probably finish at 12" square.
But here's the kicker: Once I've bound this quilt, I can proudly tell you that there will be ONE HUNDRED ONE (101) different Civil War fabrics on this 12" X 12" quilt!!!!
Neat eh?
So, since we were "supposed" to see the end of the world, Gilbert and I decided to have our "special" drinks, before 10 p.m. our time. *grin*
I had this drink, while in Florida. It's called a "Blue Ocean" and while there are different recipes for this on the net -some with rather complicated or exotic-to-me ingredients - I decided to make up my own recipe, each weekend, until I have the right recipe for me.
(Gilbert and I usually have one special drink, during the weekend.)
Gilbert's a martini man - what can I say?
Yesterday evening's drink had:
1 shot of Blue Curaco
1 shot of Malibu Coconut Rum
7 Up - approx. 1/2 a cup.
1 cherry
BTW, although Blue Curaco looks like a watered down version of blueberries, it smells and tastes like oranges.
It was delish, but I'll add pineapple juice, next time. Should be interesting. *s*
Anyhow, it's now almost 9 a.m.
Gotta go wash my hair. My sister is picking me up. We're having a Mother/Daughters Day at one of our garden centers.
I'll blog about it later.
Have a great Sunday!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday the 13th...
Cyn's parcel of TWO YARDS of the much-needed blue fabric arrived, along with a freebie pattern, from the quilt shop!
Gilbert and I collect quilt shop business cards. Ya just never know when you need to contact a certain quilt shop, eh?
Well, as Gilbert put our new-to-us business card away, I noticed "The Cotton Cupboard" business card. They're in Bangor, Maine.
Don't you just love it when companies give you useful information, on their business cards?!?!?
Makes you want to hold onto them and not lose them.... instead of just putting their card away in a drawer and forgetting about them.
Intelligent marketing, I would say.
(Hmmmm... maybe WE need to revise our business cards...)
Well, I also got a package from my local wool shop. I belong to their "Wool Club".
Sande sends us, every 2 or 3 months, 4 pieces of hand dyed wool, for $16.95 - shipping included, too!
"So, what have you been working on?," you ask.
Well, I FINALLY finished hand piecing my "Rainbow Flowers" from Inklingo. Thursday evening, I brought it downstairs and pressed it and put it up on my design wall. Now, I just need to dig out some batting, iron the backing, baste it and hand quilt it.
Took me a month or two.... debating on whether I was going to machine quilt it, hand quilt it or just ask Gilbert and Bertha to do their magic.
It's only about 20 inches (squarish) and I figure that once I hunker down and start working on it seriously, that it won't take too, too long. *s*

Friday evening, Gilbert and I decided to do our errands there and then, instead of waiting till Saturday morning. I personally, was all gung-ho on this since I figured I'd be able to play in my quilt studio early Saturday morning.
Would you believe that after I dilly-dallied and played around on the computer Saturday morning, it was then lunch time?!??!
By the time that I FINALLY went into my studio, it was around 1 p.m.!
So much for starting early, eh?
As you can tell from the picture, I've been working steadily on my "Spider Blocks"....
Once again, Cyn, I can't thank you enough!

Today, I was invited to my cousin's daughter's baby shower.
I decided to try and make something easy, yet fancy smancy....
Cucumbers, cut into quarters and you remove a bit of the seeds.
A little glop of Philly dilly dip.
A shrimp.
And some fresh sprigs of dill, for deco.
(modified from THIS recipe)
I think some ladies were "WOW'd" by the presentation and taste.
Have a great week!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Horse Shoe Up My Butt
Gilbert started custom quilting
"My Birthday Siggie" -
I can't WAIT to show it off to the world! *VBG*

Back to our quilt show....
This one, I just LOVED the colors!
Gilbert elbowed me and whispered,
"I quilted this one."
GOSH! I had forgotten!
*slaps her forehead*
Do I need to say anything
about THIS ONE?!?!?
Now, THIS is one that I remembered
that Gilbert had done
and HE had forgotten!
Here's one of my blogging friends,
I was sooooo happy
to see that she had won
a ribbon!!!!
Now, here's the "Horse Shoe Up My Butt" part of my blog. I purchased some tickets, at our quilt show and yesterday evening, AFTER our quilt show was finished, I got a call, telling me that I had won one of the purses.
It was done by one of our guild members and it's called,
"The Big Red Purse".
It's INCREDIBLY well done!!!
I just LOVE IT!!!
There's 2 nice pockets inside this purse
and there was also a change purse,
or zippered pouch,
with this purse!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Errands and Such
Gilbert and I head out,
yesterday morning, to do our
"Saturday Morning Errands".
First, we went to bring our empty bottles, to get recycled.
Do you guys do that, or just leave them by the side of the road, for your municipality workers to pick them up?
Here, they're called "Redemption" Centres.
Don't know why, but being a Catholic girl, I've always found the name "Redemption" a bit odd, for a recycling centre... LOL
You wait for your turn and when you're next, you bring your bottles to the table and the workers sort them out. Then, they hand you a slip of paper, which you take to their little office and BINGO! They give you some money. Most times, it's under 5 bucks for us. This time, we made off with 5 bucks and some change!
From the Redemption Centre, we went to Bertha's bank.
Right across from this spot, is our
"Moosehead Country Store".
A lovely little boutique, that sells Moosehead stuff.
(NOTE: Moosehead is our local brewery.)
Since we have one new quilt finished for our bed (Notre Première Quilt) and a few more on the go, we decided to donate our well used but still good quilts.
We called up the Salvation Army, in my city.... No, not where they sell stuff but where they have their shelter. Anyhow, they were VERY HAPPY to receive our two quilts.
If ever you have some old quilts that still have some life in them, please consider donating them to....
your local Salvation Army,
or to your local Animal Shelter.
I've been told that they, too, accept quilts and blankets.
From the Salvation Army, we went off to the Quilt Show (more pictures to follow), grabbed a bite to eat - it was 12 noon - and then, went to our local quilt shop to pick up a bottle of "505", spray adhesive for Gilbert and Bertha.
Came home and Gilbert worked on the
final touches of our VERY FIRST....
TAAA.... DAAAA.....
I designed the basics of it and Gilbert finished it off.
We're calling it "Bruce the Moose".
And, of course, Gilbert had to try it out on a scrap piece of fabric!
While he worked on "Bruce", I worked on my "Spider Quilt".
Here's a picture of my design wall, from last weekend.
I believe it's when I realized that I was missing a whole row - 6 complete blocks - of the blue fabric!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Log Cabin Eye Candy!!!

Gilbert and I went to our local quilt show, this morning. As some of you might know, my favorite quilt blocks are the "Log Cabins".... there's SOOOOO many different ways you can place the blocks, right?
Well, in the past 2 or 3 years, I've come to see more and more Log Cabins, with appliqués in them!
And I LOVE appliqués, as well!
Here are a few, from the quilt show.
(apologies 'cause I didn't get your names or details...)
This was had adorable hearts in it, with silver, metallic fabric.
And it ALSO had the COOLEST heart quilting, as well!
This one had fat and thin BRIGHT stripes. The different sizes of stripes gives the illusion of curves.
And here's a picture of me, taking a picture of this quilt, taken with Giblert's iPhone. Click on either of the pictures and it looks like there's a bright light shining through the BRIGHT fabrics. Incredible, eh?!??!

Here's a close-up.
More to come....
In the meantime, you might want to visit my friend Riel's blog page. She has a lot of incredible pictures, too.
Have a great Saturday!