Hi There!
Okay, remember the blog contest that I had won, with "
Prairie Moon"?
And, recently, I posted that I had finished TWO UFOs (Un-Finished Objects) but.... silly me.... I forgot to mention the SECOND project!!!
Well, in April I finished this super-simple table topper with
Prairie Moon's 30's charm package AND their incredibly easy pattern! *VBG*
Thanks Prairie Moon!!!

Added a bit of my own 30's fabrics for the border and the back and VOILA! A nice, summer table topper!
As for Gilbert and I, we are about to start a new adventure. We've talked and talked about it, measured out our room space and then talked to our Bank people and all the stars seem to line up....

We will be getting a Gammill Long Arm quilting machine and GILBERT will be operating it!!!
How cool is that, eh?!?!?
After he's practiced a bit on some old sheets and then, he does a few of MY quilts, we hope to get into the quilting business, full time!
Took a picture of some old(?) and unknown-to-us, if they're cotton or polyester threads, that we got in a quilter's grab bag at one of our yard sales. And NO, we will NOT be using this thread for our clients, but certainly for our practice quilts, eh?
Gilbert is now sprucing up my new sewing room (smaller) and he'll be taking my "Sewing Studio" (bigger).... but that's okay. It's for a good cause!
In the meantime, we have a web cam in that room... if you care to see him renovating and later, quilting, here's the web addy:
Web CameraNOTE: UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!Gilbert asked that my quilting friends write to me, for the Username and Password. He felt that it would be a bit more "secure".Username: ??????Password: ??????Oh yah! If you click on that link and it's dark and/or snowy, it just means that it's night time here and the lights are turned off. Come back during our day time! *grin*
I'm hoping to install a web cam image on the side of my blog, so that you can click on it to view our "In House Quilter"!
That's about it. Tomorrow morning, we hit the stores to pick up a couple pieces of wood or plywood or whatever to make some shelves, in my new sewing room and some flooring - hopefully some "click 'n lock" fake wooden floor stuff.
Will keep you all posted!
Oh.. wait a sec! I wanted to share another thing with all of you!
I was listening to one of my favorite podcasters, Stuart McLean and he was talking about the song, "
Mairzy Doats" and he gave us the meaning or the R
EAL words to this song - it was like a revelation to me! LOL
Now that darn song's stuck in this empty head of mine!
Hope you enjoy the definition!