Rosa's World

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Silly Me...

Hi There!

Yesterday, Gilbert and I had a few things that needed to be picked up. On the spur of the moment, we decided to stop in at a new store called "San Francisco". It's got a lot of joke, novelty kind of items - stuff that you'd buy, bring home and probably end up putting it in a yard sale a couple years later, for 1/10th the original cost.

Well, I decided to try on a few novelty eye glasses.

Gilbert snapped pictures with his iPhone!

Top left hand corner - they're "Beer Goggles".


Hope you get a chance to do something silly...

Silly things help us get in touch with our "inner" child.




Barb said...

Too funny!!

quiltmom anna said...

These glasses are hilarious Rosa- we used to have a San Francisco store here but I don't know if we do anymore- they would make great props for Halloween at school.
Thanks for the giggle and for sharing your fun.
Warmest regards,

Cyn said...

Super! rofl... sounds like you and G had a really F-U-N day! Good for you.