Guess what the mailman brought today??!?!
Not ONE, but TWO lovely packages!!!
My friend Brigitte and I decided to swap some polka dot fabric.
Brigitte was a darling and sent me a WHOLE BUNCH of items, in her package!
Here's the cute card, that she included - it's got quilt blocks, on the front of it! Pretty, eh?

Then, Gilbert and I were truly impressed with the lovely box of CHOCOLATE mints -
from FAR, FAR away!!!
And YES, they are YUMMY!!!
Not ONE, but TWO lovely packages!!!
My friend Brigitte and I decided to swap some polka dot fabric.
Brigitte was a darling and sent me a WHOLE BUNCH of items, in her package!
Here's the cute card, that she included - it's got quilt blocks, on the front of it! Pretty, eh?

Then, Gilbert and I were truly impressed with the lovely box of CHOCOLATE mints -
from FAR, FAR away!!!
And YES, they are YUMMY!!!

Now, at this point, as I'm pulling these gifties out of Brigitte's HUGE box, I'm wondering,
"What ELSE did she include in this box?!??"
These lovely little novelties, done in pewter..... they're simply ADORABLE!!

Brigitte also made me 2 gorgeous "Heart" blocks....
I'll post pictures of them later, in my "Heart" file.
THEN.... I got ANOTHER package, in my mailbox -
ANOTHER wonderful package of polka dots, from Jacqui!
She and I have been swapping "dots"!
Hers are simply "to die for", also!!!!
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