Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Yard Sailing and more "Braggin' Buys"!!!
Hi there!
Well, Gilbert has decided that we will be doing
a LOT of yard sailing, this summer -
weather permitting, of course!
Last weekend, the 18th, we left
early Saturday morning and I
hit the jackpot, for once!!!!
This gorgeous yarn.....

This lovely fabric....
(Note: I've already made curtains with the
fabric on the far right - the "grape" fabric!)
Well, Gilbert has decided that we will be doing
a LOT of yard sailing, this summer -
weather permitting, of course!
Last weekend, the 18th, we left
early Saturday morning and I
hit the jackpot, for once!!!!
This gorgeous yarn.....
This lovely fabric....
(Note: I've already made curtains with the
fabric on the far right - the "grape" fabric!)
And BONUS!!!!
This lovely "Sparkly" fabric!!!!
All of this, I haggled for....
20 bucks!!!!
Okay, it would have come to $21.50,
but I offered to pay 20 and she took it!!!
That same day, a few yard sales later....
Gilbert picked up this smaller
computer for 10 bucks.
He was quite pleased with his buy!
At one of our Garage Sales,
Gilbert found this vintage
Tim Horton's cup.
Once home, he checked Ebay
and found a similar one, listed there!
"Tim Horton's vintage cup"
Yep! He got his for only 25 cents!
Now, YESTERDAY, we went Yard Sailing, again!
Picked up the "Lord of the Rings" DVD,
for 1 dollar
and a pencil container chocked FULL
of laces and ribbons, but mostly
embroidery floss!!!
That too, was only 1 dollar!
Braggin' Buys
Testing video and such...
Hi there!
Gilbert sent this to me,
via email...
I thought it was pretty funny,
so I'm sharing it with you guys and gals!
It's called "morphing"
and he had found a small program
on the internet that permits you
to do this.
And here's our 4 YouTube videos,
in case you're bored....
Our Christmas (lobster) meal.
My Sewing Studio.
Calie, trying to get her "treats"
out other cat, Minou,
sitting on our windowsill
making WEIRD noises
'cause she sees birds outside
and I can imagine that she'd
LOVE to play with them....
If you know what I mean!
I hope to do some laundry, dishes
and LOTS of sewing today!
Hope you get to do ALL
that you WANT to do,
"When life gets you down -
just put on your big girl panties and deal with it."
Gilbert sent this to me,
via email...
I thought it was pretty funny,
so I'm sharing it with you guys and gals!
It's called "morphing"
and he had found a small program
on the internet that permits you
to do this.
And here's our 4 YouTube videos,
in case you're bored....
Our Christmas (lobster) meal.
My Sewing Studio.
Calie, trying to get her "treats"
out other cat, Minou,
sitting on our windowsill
making WEIRD noises
'cause she sees birds outside
and I can imagine that she'd
LOVE to play with them....
If you know what I mean!
I hope to do some laundry, dishes
and LOTS of sewing today!
Hope you get to do ALL
that you WANT to do,
"When life gets you down -
just put on your big girl panties and deal with it."
Saturday, July 25, 2009
St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, New Brunswick - Quilt Show 3 of 3
Hi There!
Two things, I'd like to share first
before I get into my last blog on
St. Andrews...
First, my friend Barb has since written
and she told me that
"Floral Basket Appliqué"
had won "Viewer's Choice".
Second, I've had a couple requests, regarding St. Andrews
and the Fairmont Algonquin Hotel.
Here's a couple web sites that might interest you.
The Fairmont Algonquin
St. Andrews, New Brunswick
Shopping in St. Andrews
Okay, onto my last blog, about our trip
to St. Andrews-by-the-Sea....
You know those door prizes tickets,
that some events give out?
You know - they draw a number,
for some (usually) useless prize
that you'll probably NEVER use?
And you're standing there,
with sweaty palms, holding onto your ticket,
drooped shoulders (cause you KNOW you won't win)
and waiting for them to call our YOUR number.....
And this never happens, right? *groan*
Well, in St. Andrews... THIS YEAR -
They finally picked MY number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was something that I could use, too!!!
It was a mason jar,
filled with 6 lovely FAT QUARTERS:
Here's my Aunt, holding the jar!
(click on any of the pictures to enlarge)

We had sat down, for complimentary
tea and muffins/cookies - yummy, BTW!
I actually thought it was a pin cushion,
on the top.
Two things, I'd like to share first
before I get into my last blog on
St. Andrews...
First, my friend Barb has since written
and she told me that
"Floral Basket Appliqué"
had won "Viewer's Choice".
Second, I've had a couple requests, regarding St. Andrews
and the Fairmont Algonquin Hotel.
Here's a couple web sites that might interest you.
The Fairmont Algonquin
St. Andrews, New Brunswick
Shopping in St. Andrews
Okay, onto my last blog, about our trip
to St. Andrews-by-the-Sea....
You know those door prizes tickets,
that some events give out?
You know - they draw a number,
for some (usually) useless prize
that you'll probably NEVER use?
And you're standing there,
with sweaty palms, holding onto your ticket,
drooped shoulders (cause you KNOW you won't win)
and waiting for them to call our YOUR number.....
And this never happens, right? *groan*
Well, in St. Andrews... THIS YEAR -
They finally picked MY number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was something that I could use, too!!!
It was a mason jar,
filled with 6 lovely FAT QUARTERS:
Here's my Aunt, holding the jar!
(click on any of the pictures to enlarge)
We had sat down, for complimentary
tea and muffins/cookies - yummy, BTW!
I actually thought it was a pin cushion,
on the top.
But no, it wasn't a pincushion.....
S'easy to make, too!
Take 6 coordinating fat quarters
and roll them up, tightly.
Then, cut a round circular piece of black fabric,
with what I call "zig-zag scissors"....
Remove the metal "plate" to your mason jar cover,
place on top, screw on cover and
pin in several needles
to make a cute Happy Face.
How easy was that, eh?!??
I thought I'd share with you my good luck
AND how cute and easy this gifty was,
in case your guild needs to make prizes
or you're lookin' to send someone a nice
"Thank You"....
Today, we're planning on doing some
"Yard Sailing", again
and I need to pick up my monthly
BOM (Block Of the Month),
at our one and only Quilt Shop.
Have a great day!
Quilt Show
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, New Brunswick - Quilt Show 2 of 3
Hi There!
Here's part 2 of 3,
from our Saturday quilt trip,
in St. Andrews, New Brunswick.
And now, without further ado,
here are some of the quilt pictures,
from the
"Quoddy Quilts 2009"
quilt show.
This one was called:
"Floral Basket Appliqué"

Now, first of all, I'm in a basket block group, right?
Second of all, my friend Barb had been to this quilt show
the day before me, and her hubby Ray
had mentioned the fact that this quilt
was called "Floral Basket Appliqué",
and yet, the baskets were filled with FRUITS!
I giggled, deep down inside, when I saw this quilt....
Plus, the baskets and their fruits reminded me
of another one of my friends - Frummie!
Frummie draws/designs the most
ADORABLE fruits!!!!
(NOTE: The quilt looks stained, but it's NOT!!!
Trust me... it's not - blame the photographer, please!)
Here's part 2 of 3,
from our Saturday quilt trip,
in St. Andrews, New Brunswick.
And now, without further ado,
here are some of the quilt pictures,
from the
"Quoddy Quilts 2009"
quilt show.
This one was called:
"Floral Basket Appliqué"
Now, first of all, I'm in a basket block group, right?
Second of all, my friend Barb had been to this quilt show
the day before me, and her hubby Ray
had mentioned the fact that this quilt
was called "Floral Basket Appliqué",
and yet, the baskets were filled with FRUITS!
I giggled, deep down inside, when I saw this quilt....
Plus, the baskets and their fruits reminded me
of another one of my friends - Frummie!
Frummie draws/designs the most
ADORABLE fruits!!!!
(NOTE: The quilt looks stained, but it's NOT!!!
Trust me... it's not - blame the photographer, please!)
What fascinated me, about these
two table runners was that they used
shimmery, gold and silver fabrics!!!
Good Grief!
Maybe I was some kind of bird,
in a previous life?!??
You know - the kind of bird that
steals "bright" things?!?
And this one was....
"Christmas Poinsettia Lattice Runner"
Here's another one, that I should have taken
the time to write it's name, but I didn't.
I love the fact that it's just a "nice"
quilt, till they went and added that
extra "pizaaazzz" to it -
Appliqué'd wreaths!!!!!
Gorgeous, isn't it?!??
Now, here's another one that I (unfortunately)
didn't write the name down....
I think what REALLY adds that
extra "OOMPH" to a quilt,
is the appliquéd vines and flowers...
I'm not sure... we were kind of in a hurry,
but I think they might have been selling
tickets on this quilt.
My Aunt's sitting down,
digging through her purse.
I really DO have to get to my
cousin's snowman quilt blocks and this will
give me some ideas!!!
In fact, I think this one was called:
And this is the one that I voted on....
Because it's a Log Cabin and because it's Reversible...
AND, I just wish I knew how to make this!
It's like a whole bunch of little tubes, all stuffed!
This one was called:
"Reversible Log Cabin"
My friend Barb has been to MANY quilt shows
and she told me that this was probably the smallest quilt show,
she had ever attended....
but that the quilts were, nevertheless spectacular!!!
There were approx. 29 bed quilts,
43 wall hangings and minatures and
8 baby quilts.
Now, tomorrow evening,
I'll share the last bunch of pictures
from my trip.
"Take life with a pinch of salt...
A wedge of lime, and a shot of tequila."
Quilt Show
St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, New Brunswick - Quilt Show 1 of 3
Hi there!
Two weekends ago - the 11th of July,
the Quoddy Quilters were having their
annual quilt show -
"Quoddy Quilts 2009"
I called up my Aunt Agatha to see if she'd like to come with me.
She agreed, and by 9 a.m., she was sitting beside me,
in my bright yellow car. *grin*
Well, on our way there, she tells me that
she doesn't remember ever going to
St. George.
Sooo.... I took the St. George exit and off we went,
to explore this little village.
I stopped to take a picture of the
old St. George pulp and paper mill.

Well, since I took soooo many pictures,
that I want to share with you, I figured that it was
best to divide them up.
Anyhow, we made it to St. Andrews,
went to the quilt shop - I'll blog about that tomorrow....
and we participated in a mini shop hop, too!
On one of the buildings, there was this GORGEOUS mural!!!
Don't cha just LOVE murals?!?!??
Anyhow, my Aunt snapped my picture,
in front of the mural.
(at any point, you can click on my pics
to make them bigger, eh...)
Two weekends ago - the 11th of July,
the Quoddy Quilters were having their
annual quilt show -
"Quoddy Quilts 2009"
I called up my Aunt Agatha to see if she'd like to come with me.
She agreed, and by 9 a.m., she was sitting beside me,
in my bright yellow car. *grin*
Well, on our way there, she tells me that
she doesn't remember ever going to
St. George.
Sooo.... I took the St. George exit and off we went,
to explore this little village.
I stopped to take a picture of the
old St. George pulp and paper mill.
Well, since I took soooo many pictures,
that I want to share with you, I figured that it was
best to divide them up.
Anyhow, we made it to St. Andrews,
went to the quilt shop - I'll blog about that tomorrow....
and we participated in a mini shop hop, too!
On one of the buildings, there was this GORGEOUS mural!!!
Don't cha just LOVE murals?!?!??
Anyhow, my Aunt snapped my picture,
in front of the mural.
(at any point, you can click on my pics
to make them bigger, eh...)
After doing a few shops,
we decided it was time to grab a bite to eat.
Now, St. Andrews USED to be called,
St. Andrews-by-the-Sea.
Here, we managed to grab a seat,
outside on the terrace and look out
into the Passamaquoddy Bay!
This is my Aunt, gazing towards the water....
Quilt Show
Are Women Born This Way????
Hi there!
My friend Frummie, recently sent me an email,
with this video:
Are Women Born This Way??
It's gotta be my ALL-TIME favorite videos, at this point!
Hope you all get the chance to laugh, today....
"Aspire to be Barbie - that gal has everything!"
My friend Frummie, recently sent me an email,
with this video:
Are Women Born This Way??
It's gotta be my ALL-TIME favorite videos, at this point!
Hope you all get the chance to laugh, today....
"Aspire to be Barbie - that gal has everything!"
Neat Web Sites
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Elaine's Great Give-Away!!!!!!!!!!
Hi There!
My friend Elaine has a Great Give-Away
or AKA "Her own stimulus package for quilters!"
My friend Elaine has a Great Give-Away
or AKA "Her own stimulus package for quilters!"
And yet, 8 more Easy Smeasy Sparkling Dear Jane Blocks!
Hi There!
Went on a Dear Jane (DJ) Olympic sewing sprint
and managed to sew these up, since Sunday!
The appliquéd ones - I've been working on,
during the evenings.
This one is A-6 (Uncle Homer)
NOTE: the green's a lot nicer than this pic!

This one is called
H-13 (Farm Fields) and is a BRIGHT red,
bordering on (almost) orange,
but it had nice sparkly flecks in it....
I really couldn't segregate this one!
Went on a Dear Jane (DJ) Olympic sewing sprint
and managed to sew these up, since Sunday!
The appliquéd ones - I've been working on,
during the evenings.
This one is A-6 (Uncle Homer)
NOTE: the green's a lot nicer than this pic!
This one is called
H-13 (Farm Fields) and is a BRIGHT red,
bordering on (almost) orange,
but it had nice sparkly flecks in it....
I really couldn't segregate this one!
Okay, here's the neat part about my Christmas quilt....
I've given myself the liberty to play around with the colours!
See anything different with G-5 (Poof)????!
And I just LOVE the Gold sparkly fabric, too!!!!
And, here's ANOTHER one that
I played around with the colours!!!
C-9 (Jane's Tears).
I fussy cut the fabric and told Gilbert
that Jane's Tears had stars in them!
Another cutie....
F-13 (Tour de France)
And let me introduce you to:
A-5 (Cathie's Campfire)
And last, but not least.....
B-9 (Tinker Toy)
Sparkling Jane
Sunday, July 19, 2009
3 more Sparkling Jane Blocks!
Hi there!
Yesterday afternoon (Saturday), we got quite a bit of rain!
What an EXCELLENT opportunity to sew! *VBG*
Managed to finish off 3 more DJ blocks,
for my "Sparkling Jane" quilt.
I had this green fabric, tucked away in my
"Civil War" fabric bin.
Now, it's probably not CW fabrics,
but it was in those tones and that's good 'nuff for me!
Anyhow, recently I had to go into my green CW bin
and noticed that this piece had gold speckles, in it!
This block is:
G-11 (Decisions, Decisions)

This fabric came from my friend Barb.
Last weekend, I had a brief visit with Barb
and she passed along some Christmas fabrics
or gold/silver threaded fabrics.
I remember Barb passing over some small pieces and saying,
"I'm not sure. These may be too small."
Barb - some of the DJ blocks only require a SMALL amount!
Anyhow, the pinkish piece is batik and has
lovely "silver" in it.
Once again, the photo doesn't do it justice.
This block is:
B-13 (Four Corner Press)
Yesterday afternoon (Saturday), we got quite a bit of rain!
What an EXCELLENT opportunity to sew! *VBG*
Managed to finish off 3 more DJ blocks,
for my "Sparkling Jane" quilt.
I had this green fabric, tucked away in my
"Civil War" fabric bin.
Now, it's probably not CW fabrics,
but it was in those tones and that's good 'nuff for me!
Anyhow, recently I had to go into my green CW bin
and noticed that this piece had gold speckles, in it!
This block is:
G-11 (Decisions, Decisions)
This fabric came from my friend Barb.
Last weekend, I had a brief visit with Barb
and she passed along some Christmas fabrics
or gold/silver threaded fabrics.
I remember Barb passing over some small pieces and saying,
"I'm not sure. These may be too small."
Barb - some of the DJ blocks only require a SMALL amount!
Anyhow, the pinkish piece is batik and has
lovely "silver" in it.
Once again, the photo doesn't do it justice.
This block is:
B-13 (Four Corner Press)
Sparkling Jane
July's Basket Block
Hi There!
I think I mentioned this on my blog, before,
but I've joined a Yahoo group, for "Basket Blocks".
It'll be a BOM (Block Of the Month),
starting in September but for now,
we're having fun playing around with (practice) blocks.
The (practice) one that was designated for July
was a rather difficult Lilly Block.
I was getting rather discouraged because I had
difficulty with the instructions.
My friend, Diane, suggested that I start with the lily blocks - hand sewn -
and THEN, do the other blocks.

Well, that's what I did! Thanks Diane!!!
Above, is a picture of one of the lily blocks....
Now, the 2 pictures below are 2 screw-ups
or bloopers, if you wish,
of my LAST lily block!
I think I mentioned this on my blog, before,
but I've joined a Yahoo group, for "Basket Blocks".
It'll be a BOM (Block Of the Month),
starting in September but for now,
we're having fun playing around with (practice) blocks.
The (practice) one that was designated for July
was a rather difficult Lilly Block.
I was getting rather discouraged because I had
difficulty with the instructions.
My friend, Diane, suggested that I start with the lily blocks - hand sewn -
and THEN, do the other blocks.
Well, that's what I did! Thanks Diane!!!
Above, is a picture of one of the lily blocks....
Now, the 2 pictures below are 2 screw-ups
or bloopers, if you wish,
of my LAST lily block!
I had HAND SEWN the LAST seam
onto the wrong side.
You know the feeling with you're as
proud as a peacock, lift up the block that you've been working on,
only to realize that there's been a MAJOR mistake?!?!?
Anyhow, yesterday afternoon (Saturday),
after we came back from garage sailing/sale'ing,
and it was raining in full force, by then,
I decided to finish this block!
GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I slightly remembered that the pattern said it was a
16 inch FINISHED block.....
But, that's HUGE!!!!!!!!!!
I've been sooooo used to working with
4.5 inch Dear Jane or Midget blocks,
that I had forgotten what 16 inches looked like!
At one point, I thought,
"Hey! This could even be my Medallion Block!!!"
Anyhow, when September rolls around,
who knows, eh?
Maybe the Basket Mistress will be dole'ing out these
"Fred Flintstone" sized blocks!
BOM - Baskets
Friday, July 10, 2009
More Future Sparkling Janes!!!
Hi There!
Wednesday, I got THREE lovely parcels,
in my mail box -
I was STUNNED!!!
Mardelle, my Canadian friend,
sent me these scrumptious greens,
along with a red and gold piece, too!!!!
My other Canadian friend, Barb,
decided to do some more spring cleaning,
with an eye for Christmas "sparkly" fabrics!
LOVELY fabrics, Barb!!!
Gifties and Swaps,
Sparkling Jane
Thursday, July 9, 2009
More BOM's - Blocks, Houses and Baskets!
Hi There!
Okay, I think I'm the Queen of Block Making...
I started a snowman quilt,
for one of my cousins....
But I DID warn her that I wasn't
the fastest needle in the West!
Anyhow, I managed to finish this block,
last month and didn't get a chance
to share a picture with you...

Here's this month's BOM
(Block Of the Month)....
Remember? The one that I'm doing,
with our local quilt store?
I'm still not crazy about the fabric,
but I certainly WON'T give it up! *grin*
Okay, I think I'm the Queen of Block Making...
I started a snowman quilt,
for one of my cousins....
But I DID warn her that I wasn't
the fastest needle in the West!
Anyhow, I managed to finish this block,
last month and didn't get a chance
to share a picture with you...
Here's this month's BOM
(Block Of the Month)....
Remember? The one that I'm doing,
with our local quilt store?
I'm still not crazy about the fabric,
but I certainly WON'T give it up! *grin*
And here's ANOTHER
BOM ... but with houses, this time.
It's a FREEBIE, on the net,
and I do wish she'd give us the choice
to make these houses in
paper piecing!
*long sigh*
Once again.... and what is WRONG with me??!?....
I'm not too, too crazy about these houses, anymore....
but I'll certainly stick with it, till the end. *s*
Now, as some of you might know,
I've signed up with a crazy bunch of people -
better known as "Basket Cases"!
We'll be starting up, seriously to make
"Basket" blocks, in September.
This one is made in 30's fabrics....
BOM - Baskets,
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