Hi There!
A week or two ago, Terry M. and I
had a evening of email chit-chat.
Our topic of conversation?
Her definition of a UFO -
an Un-Finished Object.
If I were to go with MY definition of a UFO,
then I would only have, perhaps only 3 or 4.
A UFO, in MY opinion is a quilt that you
started to work on and stopped...
for whatever reasons, right?
Oh, I have several zip-locked bags
of swapped blocks, on my shelves.
S'far as I'm concerned, these aren't UFO's, right?
I mean, I haven't touched these, eh?
Well.... according to TERRY M'S definition
of a UFO, all these darn swapped blocks
and Siggie Swapped blocks and any other
blocks that I have languishing around....
Well, all of THESE are UFO's!!!

So, I took a few days to mull over HER definition
of a UFO... even discussed this with a good friend,
who... BTW... agreed with me!
(Good friends ALWAYS agree with you! LOL)
Terry, my dear friend...
you KNOW I'm just teasing you, right? *VBG*
Anyhow, I then kind of panicked and took out
my FFF (Fabulous Fall Frolic) swapped blocks
and decided to work on them.
Which is why I've now got
THREE projects on the go....
BTW, in case you haven't figured it out, yet....
the bottom blocks are missing their "strips"
and I still need to make 2 more blocks.
Hope you guys and gals have a GREAT week -
either with or without your UFO's!
A week or two ago, Terry M. and I
had a evening of email chit-chat.
Our topic of conversation?
Her definition of a UFO -
an Un-Finished Object.
If I were to go with MY definition of a UFO,
then I would only have, perhaps only 3 or 4.
A UFO, in MY opinion is a quilt that you
started to work on and stopped...
for whatever reasons, right?
Oh, I have several zip-locked bags
of swapped blocks, on my shelves.
S'far as I'm concerned, these aren't UFO's, right?
I mean, I haven't touched these, eh?
Well.... according to TERRY M'S definition
of a UFO, all these darn swapped blocks
and Siggie Swapped blocks and any other
blocks that I have languishing around....
Well, all of THESE are UFO's!!!
So, I took a few days to mull over HER definition
of a UFO... even discussed this with a good friend,
who... BTW... agreed with me!
(Good friends ALWAYS agree with you! LOL)
Terry, my dear friend...
you KNOW I'm just teasing you, right? *VBG*
Anyhow, I then kind of panicked and took out
my FFF (Fabulous Fall Frolic) swapped blocks
and decided to work on them.
Which is why I've now got
THREE projects on the go....
BTW, in case you haven't figured it out, yet....
the bottom blocks are missing their "strips"
and I still need to make 2 more blocks.
Hope you guys and gals have a GREAT week -
either with or without your UFO's!