Rosa's World

Friday, January 29, 2010

Ballast (AKA Junk-In-The-Trunk)

Hi There!

Well, I had today off, right?

Gilbert and I had planned
to go visit my parents, again.

I say "again" because 3 or 4 weeks ago,
we had planned to go visit them
and the roads were like sheer bottle glass,
according to my Mom.
(Note: They live about 1 hours drive,
from here, and in the country.)

Anyhow, Gilbert and I got up
this morning and what did the
guy on the radio say?!??!

Schools were canceled and
another winter storm would
affect our area!


Is this trip to my parents jinxed, or what?!??

Snow Day = Sew Day!!!!
I headed downstairs and
worked on my "Schnibble"...
will blog about that, later on this evening.

Around 11h30, I came back upstairs
and invited Gilbert to go run a few errands
and grab a bite to eat.

Here's a few pics, of our outing...

This is "Galarneau",
which probably means
"Sunshine", in English.

We had just gassed up the car
and Gilbert was waiting for me,
while I went inside to pay.

We grabbed a couple submarines,
at Subway... sorry, no pics.

We then went to Shoppers.
They have a small postal outlet
and I wanted to mail an
over-sized brown envelope
to Diane, in Quebec.

Who was working at the postal counter,
in Shoppers?!??!?

My cousin's daughter, Stephanie!!!!

With her permission, I took her picture.

Cute, isn't she?!?!?
She just started working there,
this past Monday!

On our way back home,
I snapped a couple pics,
to share with you.

Some of the roads were snow packed.

And some weren't too, too bad.
Beige house on the left?
That's our house.

This is across from our house.


About the title, right?

It was sooooooo windy today,
that several times I had to hold
the car or store doors securely,
otherwise the wind would have
ripped it out of my hands.

And, on a positive note...

of "Ballast".... otherwise known as

I would have been blown away,
just like the "Flying Nun"!!!


Remember her?

Anyhow, heading back downstairs,
to work on my "Madeline" Schnibble!


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