Hi There!
You're probably all wondering what I've been up to.
Well, this morning, at 7h15 a.m., I went to the gym.
As I told my friend, I think it's best to arrive there early, before you're fully awake.

Once you REALLY wake up and look around, then you can say to yourself,
"What in TARNATION am I DOING HERE.... at THIS HOUR?!??"
Okay, here's some "news", that's actually become part of our dreams and hopefully will work out.....
Anyhow, life sometimes throws you a curve ball and then again, sometimes opportunities arise and you just have to "Carpe Diem", right?
(For those of you out of the loop,
Carpe Diem means "Seize the Day!"
or "Seize the Opportunity!")
Well, as some of you might know, Gilbert is unemployed and still looking for work. A good friend of mine is selling her Gammill Long Arm quilting machine. She's asked me a couple times if I wanted to buy it and Wednesday, on my way home from the gym, I had a flash!
"Gilbert could do this, as a business!"
Well, after trying to convince Gilbert and then watching all the video demonstrations on the Gammill web site, he finally got "On Board" with the Plan!
So far, so good.
We need to apply to a Small Business Loan and after reading a 26 page document and spending several hours of writing a "Business Plan", I think we're ready to submit our Plan - on Monday morning. Apparently it takes 24 to 48 hours for approval. Keep your fingers crossed!
Here's a picture of what our Baby should look like:
http://www.northwoodsquilting.com/Gammill.htmlNow, here's what I'd like for you to do, to help me... if you don't mind.
Would you mind leaving me a comment on suggestions, ideas or hints or what you didn't like about one of your Long Arm experiences?
If you're a Long Arm quilter, do you have a form that you get your clients to sign? If so, would you mind sending me a copy via email?
Any and all comments are much appreciated...
Now, to the UFO quilting part of my blog....
I've finished a (round) Christmas table centerpiece and another table centerpiece - this one with 30's fabrics. It's in the washer now and once it's dried, I'll be adding on the label and THEN uploading pictures of both these UFOs.
Can't believe that there MIGHT be a possibility of maybe having a Long Arm machine in MY house!!!!
Goodbye UFO's!!!!!